Saturday, 23 May 2015

Fox, rabbits and hiding in a bush!

I've been spending a lot of time standing in a hedgerow, camera poised taking hundreds of rabbit photos. I've been hoping to get a decent photo of a fox, each fox encounter was better than the last.

Walking up the side of the field a couple of weeks ago.
Hunting at the field edge.

One of those occasions when you have to stand in full view trying not to draw attention to yourself.
(Why do camera's click so loud?)

It was about this time that I decided to hang out with the local rabbits, the far corner of this field is flooded, what could be better water and food.

Over the next few evenings I moved closer to the rabbits standing in any depression in the hedge to help hide myself and photographed them in every pose possible.

 A pair of wood pigeons moved in to the area and the rabbits attempted to chase them away.

The fox had not read the script it was supposed to enter stage left, but looking over my shoulder I spotted a red dot at the other side of the field.

Even more rabbit photos. 

On one occasion leaving the field a face appeared, thought  it would be gone before I could take a photo but.

Another occasion more rabbit watching the usual grass munching and hopping around when things changed rabbits went everywhere one rabbit ran into the field and towards me.

I was trying to watch the rabbit and look in the direction it was looking suddenly there was a fox to my left.

I think its a vixen and it seems to be keeping it's right rear leg up in every photo but it didn't seem to move with a limp.

As it moved across the field I noticed that the rabbit was also coming into shot.

The fox didn't see the rabbit and continued to move towards the edge of the field until it moved out of sight into the hedge. 

This happened on a Friday evening, Saturday morning I thought I would leave that field edge alone and try my luck in another field.
I wonder who's stalking who?